Someone with a job that involves touching bodily fluids (like blood, semen, saliva, vaginal fluid etc,) needs to make sure they follow universal precautions.

Universal precautions are a set of rules to stop infection from one person to another. For example, under universal precautions, a dentist or surgeon must make sure the equipment they use is clean. Or, under universal precautions, a nurse must wear gloves, if they are putting plasters on a cut or taking blood. People who work in hospitals, GP surgeries or dentist surgeries must follow these rules. The rules are the same for everybody and mean that everybody is protected.

Your rights in accessing healthcare include confidentiality and protection from discrimination. Healthcare professionals have to keep information about you and your health confidential. They must not tell anyone else about your health unless you give them permission to. If you are under 16, a doctor will need to get permission from your parent/carer before sharing this information. You are allowed to ask to see your medical records (the documents, or computer files with details of all your health information), if you want to know what they say. You also have a right to discuss your healthcare plan with your HIV clinic and say if you think things are not working well for you. You should always be asked about your views and wishes in relation to your health care. There are tools to help you talk about your needs and main concerns in your clinic appointments.